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Thursday, 30 October 2014

3 Useful blogs for getting more traffic to your blog.

I have been working on an epic post on the personal development side and getting quite anxious that I have neglected my readers.

On the practical side I have found some excellent resources to increase traffic to your blog and improve the blog overall.

It seems as if the search engines have become wise to the sites out there that simply try to drive up hits and the processes they use to rate site seems to be much more related to quality and value.

I sincerely hope that what I have posted so far has been of value and I am increasing my efforts to bring you even more value as I learn more.

I have found that one of the best ways to figure out what work is to use Google to search for a topic and then read some of the top sites that come out of the search. These guys must be doing something right to appear in the top few Google hits. One of the most common aspects I have found is that the information is useful and I find myself reading further into the articles than I would normally.

Here are some of the blogs I have found particularly useful:

1. is one of the most useful sites I have come across for how to generate a web based income. Pat Flynn shares a lot of information on how to start web businesses, podcasting and specifically where his income is coming from. I really like his philosophy of sharing everything that he has learned and implemented in his achievements which adds genuine value to his readership.

2. demonstrates the power of creating and maintaining backlinks to increase traffic to your site as well as increase social media sharing. As a testimony to the process, I found his site through a link from TheSmart Passive Income Blog. There are also a few very useful step by step "how to's" for getting great results from your blog. I am busy implementing some of the concepts he has discussed, so I'll let you know how they work.

3. 9 Killer Ways to Make Your Blog Popular has some great advice and easy to implement ways that you can improve your blog's popularity.

One of the common aspects that I have picked up on these sites is that the authors seem to have a genuine interest in providing value to their readers. Its not just about getting people to their sites, its about having people want to stay on their sites, read whats there, and return for more.

My next major post is about spending some time dreaming of how you want your life to be. Its the first step in My 7 Steps to Success and I'm really excited about  the difference it will make in people's lives. It is also the first in a series of posts, adding meat to the 7 steps I have outlined.

I can't wait to hear your feedback

(This project was started to generate an income from the internet, Help out by clicking here to get the Free Kindle Reading App on your smartphone, tablet or computer.)

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